Dr. Ahmed Alazmi

Family Medicine & Diabetes Consultant
Dr. Ahmed Alazmi

Specialization: Family Medicine & Diabetes Consultant


Years of Experience: 9 years


Qualifications and memberships:

  • Saudi Board of Family Medicine
  • Arab Board of Family Medicine
  • Sub specialty: Saudi fellowship of Diabetes


Scope of Services:

  • Subspecialized in Management and follow up of all types of adult diabetes (Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Gestational diabetes, and Pre diabetes)
  • Expert in diabetes technologies (Insulin pumps, and blood glucose monitoring sensors)
  • Non surgical Management of Obesity.
  • Management of common chronic diseases like: Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Hypothyroidism, mental health like anxiety and depression, anemia, vitamins deficiency, and Asthma.
  • Common acute cases like: headache, muscle strain, and urinary tract infections.
  • Periodic health examination, investigations, and immunization.

Urgent inquiries

Do you have any questions or do you feel any symptoms? Do not hesitate to contact us:

 920 020 005


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