Specialization: Adult Gastroenterology and Therapeutic Endoscopy Consultant
Years of Experience: 10 years
Qualifications and memberships:
- MBBS at Imam abdulrahman bin fasial university
- Saudi board in internal medicine
- Canadian fellowship of adult gastroenterology at university of Toronto
- Canadian fellowship of therapeutic endoscopy at university of Toronto
Scope of Services:
- Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, achalasia, eosinophilic esophagitis, Barrett’s esophagus, esophageal stricture.
- Treatment of gastric ulcer, H-pylori infection, gastric tumor and early cancer.
- Treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, functional constipation and constipation, celiac disease, duoedenal ulcer.
- Treatment of GI tumors
- Treatment of biliary stricture, bile duct stone and diagnosis of biliary cancer.
- diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, pancreatic cyst and pancreatitis and pancreatic stone.
- Removal of GI polyps
- Treatment of GI strictures with stenting and dilation